Wednesday, January 19, 2011

My apologies to everyone...including myself

Just enjoyed a delicious dinner of "busy day" pork chops, pasta, and corn...too many carbs, but my kids ate and it was homemade. Those are both important to me. I've been doing a much better job at portion control, which is huge. I haven't weighed myself lately, but I'm getting on the Wii later so we'll see how that goes! I have done Zumba the past two Mondays and have actually found a form of exercise that I enjoy. I hope to add it to my Wednesday routine too and maybe an occasional Saturday morning. I'm going to have to invest in the DVDs or Wii game at some point. Just from Zumba and a little bit on the elliptical, I feel as though I'm a little stronger and have a little more endurance. Those are the kinds of changes that I need to feel in order to stay motivated. Now if I could just find more time in the day and more energy to go with it. Anyone out there have tips for foods or activities that help you boost your energy?? Besides caffeine? :) I think I have a bad case of the winter blues. I'm ready for sunshine. I can't remember the last day that we saw lots of sunshine. I would love some warm weather to go with it. Am I asking for too much?? I must be, because the temps are supposed to drop drastically and be extremely cold over the next few days. :(

Thank you to those of you who have made encouraging comments after reading this blog. You are my supporters...I don't want to disappoint, so I'm off to exercise!!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

No Excuses...I Guess

This week hasn't gone as well as I had hoped. I guess between going back to school and PMS, I've had more challenges than I was ready for. I have worked out, but not every day. I have eaten better, but not every day. I have felt good about what I am doing, but not every day. It seems that everything is a love/hate relationship. food, exercise, work, time....i love food, but hate what it does to my body when I eat what I like...I love that exercise is good for me and usually makes me feel good, but I hate doing it. I truly love my job, but if I didn't work, I would have a lot more time to focus on this stuff. :) There is never enough time or energy in the day. Can someone work on that? I'm going to work out with Jillian Michaels later this evening. We'll see what the Wii balance board has to say about my efforts or lack thereof. A dear friend asked how it was going tonight and I was honest. Now it's time to get real and get busy. I WILL get up and get on the elliptical tomorrow. I WILL watch what I eat and drink more water. I WILL cook healthier meals next week. I WILL feel good about myself.

What WILL you DO this week?

Saturday, January 1, 2011


This is crazy is that!! I remember writing an essay in third grade. We had to describe what it would be like in the year 2000. That was 11 years ago!! Holy crap!! Where does time go? And, no, we're not flying around in spaceships like the Jetsons which is what we all predicted in the year 2000.

Our year has began by adding a new member to our family. Rudy Girl, the puppy, has come to live with us. She's an all-American mutt. She looks like a border collie with short hair, but she has some beagle/hound mixed in. She fits none of the descriptions of any of those dog types. Her favorite thing to do is either sleep or just lay around. She's six months old and doing quite well. The closest thing to barking is the growling she did at a neighbor's dog and that wasn't even close to being vicious. :) All in all, she's sweet and it's fun to change things up around here a little bit.

But back to the new title...I'm serious about this change stuff. I haven't done my best the past few days, but today is a new day. I have been trying to drink more water and less pop and if I have pop, I drink diet. I'm trying to watch my portions...except at Hollyhock Hill on Thursday where I just could NOT resist extra mashed potatoes and gravy. And I'm trying to resist chocolate...ugh. I wish I were one of those unlucky people who are allergic to it. It would be sooooooo much easier to stay away.

I'm looking forward to going back to work on Monday. I'm hoping a routine will make everything a lot easier. I hope all of you have a great start to a new year. May you find yourself abundantly blessed in 2011!